Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So lets Chat...about anime!

Well Hi blog where in the world has Marianna been? I don't know.Soooo IT'S THE SUMMER!!!! and I have nothing to do x__x .Hehehe I've been filming A TON in my spare time believe me my youtube channel is far form neglected I'm sorry I can't say the same about this blog..hmm not like anyone reads it..Oh well >__< So I learned about something amazingly fantastic a few moments ago that will make this summer a little less boring anime and manga club at he library and the sumer reading program!! Gah! the Library is like my most favorite place in the world, a building solely based around books AMAZING! ...ah now I sound like a nerd..Oh well NerdFighters ROCK!! Anywho I am an Otaku even more than I am a book worm so this extremely excites me next Wednesday I am going to be at the library and hopefully it'll meet my expectations I just hope they actually talk about JAPANESE anime and not just Shouen because honestly Shoujo rocks but Yaoi pwns...but I highly doubt they will talk about yaoi so I won't bring that up so I think I'm going to kidnap Mary on Wednesday and take her to this and see what it's all about and if they read real manga and anime ..So this really excites me I've wanted to be in an Anime/Manga club for a long time I've just never known of any so hopefully this will be as awesome as I hope :3
intill later..

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So today is April 28, 2010 ...and I wish I could say I am blogging on this account for a happier subject...but if I did I would be lying. Today I thought about a subject that I normally don't. death. I usually don't, because when I do I end up crying (Marianna is an overly sensitive teenager). Actually I use to spend every night in 6th grade thinking about death, what came next?, what would the world I would leave behind be like, I went insane from the forever unanswered questions. But today a Horrible thing happened which has effected more of my mood then one would expect. My best internet friend Ben's twin pasted away from cancer. I didn't really know her, in fact her and her brother live very far away from me. In North Dakota. But amazingly I have befriended her twin brother Benny, whom I love very much, he is a great friend to me, and even though he is unaware of it he has cheered me up on days when even my closet friend didn't even notice a change in my behavior, the thing about me when I am miserably depressed no one seems to notice because I don't like to be pitied when I'm sad I like to sit and listen to dark music I don't really tell people I'm sad I act like I normally would because a lot of the time (especially) at school I am already wearing a fake smile not saying whats truly in my mind. (yes Marianna is a strange person). Not the main point. Damn ADD. Like I was saying I didn't really know Izzy, the only thing I knew about her was what I had read about her in Ben's messages and blogs, and she seemed like a really kick-ass person and I am sad I never had a chance to talk to her. These past few days Ben had been very sad and he was telling me his problems and I tried to help and make him feel better. But the thing is this is hard for me to do because, no one is ever telling me things like everything is going to be Ok and cheer up..so when other people are sad it's awkward.. every since a kid in my class who I use to talk to on IM a lot got angry at me for trying to cheer him up I never really could cheer people up because on that day the problems I heard changed form which guy Kayla wanted to date to having real problems that I can't help...and on that day I cried the most I had in a while... Then I gave up on cheering people up. But when Ben told me about all his problems I felt bad because I can't tell him anything helpful or any real experience to help. Hell, I've never even dated anyone and I'm still bitter about missing my chance with the one guy I really really ever liked ... So yesterday when Ben was all sad about his sister and this other thing I didn't know what to say and in the end had some random conversation about something completely random, but still I was extremely worried for Izzy and Ben. In fact all day today Izzy condition was on my mind, I was worrying hoping she would be Ok but not knowing when I told people about her at lunch she had already passed away. I want to say she's in a better place or something cheesy like that but I don't know that, but I really wish that she is doing better than she was doing yesterday. I cried a little when I read the myspace statuses and I just hope now that Benn will be ok. Right now I'm doing something I do to honor the dead I burn one whole candle stick to honor them and as a sign of RIP, I'm not sure why, but in my head thats what I think I should do, (Marianna has a weird brain) and also something I do is wear all black then next day.. which believe it or not I am indeed wearing all black to school tomorrow. I never really have lost anyone in my family that I knew so death is not something I'm use too, Gosh when I even imagine my mom ,dad, or even my cat dying I cry. I hope life gets better soon.
I hope Ben is ok.
I hope Izzy is doing better.
I hope this doesn't anger anyone.
RIP Izzy Ackerman.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Emo Love

Yea, So I just post this pic because its very cute and whoever drew it is AMAZING !!!! ^_^

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Maddie's Gay boy's shirt

Hehe so last weekend I had a guest I call him Maddie's gay boys shirt... we had lots of fun. So Maddie was wearing a shirt that belonged to her gay friends (their Married) I would put their names in but... I kinda Forgot them.... Anywho Maddie didn't want to wear the shirt anymore so we switched shirts :D it was a fun shirt too wear I don't have any with slits in the side like that one .... not yet... So this April 24th Family Force 5 is coming to town and I want to go with Mary (April 24th is her B day)
But they are playing with some other weird Christian band... So I don't know if I want to go but tickets are only $10 so... maybe... I also want to see Blood On The Dance floor really band but I don't know when they are going to come to Ohio ... they should come to Ohio though... Yea I a big mess of boringnes... I want Skittles... yea... so .. um...yea... BYE

Because I was bored on picnik....

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hello blogger world , So this weekend I went to my friend Mary's house,Ashlee (my 7th grade buddy) was also there. Above are some photos I took while I was there (the girl with the black hair is Mary) I didn't take any photos of myself in case you were wondering. Mary and I cut meh hair, you can't really tell the difference though... When I was at Mary's house we went down to the perk and took some picture at the creek and drew on some rocks (because we are that gangster man) Oh an I took some video and thats below.

After my father picked me up from Mary's house we went to the art museum it was awesome.
I finally got a memory card that records more then 5 minutes !!!!!! So I am going to film myself teasing my hair and not have to stop recording every 30 seconds !!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My New bangs :D

Why hello there, it's been A while hasn't..... So I got my hair cut I like it but I don't know which I like more my sided or straight bangs... anywho heres the pic of my new hair ..

And heres meh hair teased XD

So, Ive been thinking and I think I would like to dye my hair black I would either want it to be black and shine purple in the light.. or dye it jet black and put some random strips of blue or hot pink I don't know but first I need to get my parents approval, which is not easy they don't really support me having rainbow/black hair.... even if they say no I'm dying it anyways so they can put that in their juice box and suck it :P Oh and I'm having my friend cut more layers in my hair (She is also going to help me dye it)

This weekend I'm going to hang out with Mary so that should be fun I miss hanging out with meh friends even though the last time I saw Mary outside of school was 2 weeks ago... I wants to film a lot when I'm at her house.. :D Also I have learned how to download music !!! YAY !!! Go me for figuring out one of the easiest things in the world.... Now I has Jeffree Star and Blood on the Dance Floor music :D Speaking of BOTDF I really want to get now of their band shirts for my birthday and a DesandNate shirt ^_^ ( which is about 4 months away..)

On a completely random note I put up a new video up a few days and I would appreciate it if you would care to show it some love, I had a lot of fun making this video.. it's really dumb but I had fun so whatever...... :D

So thats really all I had to say for this blog post.. Oh my friend sent me this on myspace I think it's really Kawaii ^_^ So I'm going to share the love with my blog n_n

Bye ^_^

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm banging yo

Hehe, So I have been thinking for a while that I would like to get bangs, So I think this weekend I'm going to go and get m hair cut this weekend and I will no longer have my awesome sided bangs so I did some Google searching and this is my what I would like

oh and I like this hair soo I'm just putting this in here for fun :D

So that's all I really have to say and while I'm at this whole picture thing ahh why not add these

ok well thats all for now bye n_n


Sunday, January 24, 2010

music and school rant

Hehe I felt like writing a blog post for some reason and this is the result of Marianna's boredom :D So today I spent a good amount of my time on playlist.com because thats what wired nerd emo kids do on Sunday nights =_= Anyway so today I've been adding music to my 2010 playlist and because of this I have a new favorite band which is Blood on the Dance Floor if your into techno music you should look up this band they are really awesome :D Since today is indeed Sunday I had no school (you know cause it's the weekend) and with it being 11:19 pm the weekend is ending T_T and I have to go to school tomorrow school has been so boring lately I really am starting to dread going to school everyday it just sucks the life out of me but thats also probably because I'm dumb and never go to bed at a reasonable time :/ But whatever I want to star doing better in in school. I use to have good grade and such but then I started to be more and more addicted to the internet which caused me to just be on the computer all night from when I got home from school which caused me to not do my homework. Which I hate I understand the teacher give out homework to help us learn but I don't understand why they have to give us so much. Ugh I'm going to die next year in High School. Speaking of High School most of the kids I talk to about high school are really dreading it but I don't know why I am actually kind of excited for high school but I think that mainly because I'm tired of middle school and that I want to meant new people like me. In my middle most student are not emo/scene (I hate saying emo/scene but thats the only way I can describe it) most are want-to-be-gangster west side trash (in my opinion) and I think in high school there will be more kids that are like me I guess. I'm not really sure what the point of this blog is I guess I'm just bored :P So yea I am going to end it here before my blog gets supper boring ^_^ bye

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

violin boot camp ?

Haha .. oh life your so strange :D So I'm a violinist (an attractive one at that XP just kidding) but like I said I play the violin, I have been learning for 3 years and for a 3rd year student I would like to think I play fairly well, and yesterday in class I felt that I was in violin boot camp.. why ...? well I'm not completely sure but in class my teacher kept on paceing up and down the front of the class room say "things are going ot change around here" "There well be consiqunces for those of you who do not beheve... I'm not sure what but there will be SOMETHING !!!" It was quite funny but what I just love is when m teacher gets angry ...um ... why ?... because her face get so red and veins pop and she just looks like a little angry dog :D I know that was weired story but I really felt like sharing it with world and you know this is my blog damn it I'll write what I wants ^_^ So I like plushies but mainly the Japanese cutesy ones So me having a sewing machine and Ninja skills decided I wants to make my own !!!! So I want to make a Kitty, a Panda, a Ninja, and a emo kid :D hahaha I going to make my patterns and test them out and hope fully next blog post I'll have photos !!! Oh and I made a tutu so I will post a photo of that and anything else I make soon n_n ok well intill next time bye :D