Sunday, January 24, 2010

music and school rant

Hehe I felt like writing a blog post for some reason and this is the result of Marianna's boredom :D So today I spent a good amount of my time on because thats what wired nerd emo kids do on Sunday nights =_= Anyway so today I've been adding music to my 2010 playlist and because of this I have a new favorite band which is Blood on the Dance Floor if your into techno music you should look up this band they are really awesome :D Since today is indeed Sunday I had no school (you know cause it's the weekend) and with it being 11:19 pm the weekend is ending T_T and I have to go to school tomorrow school has been so boring lately I really am starting to dread going to school everyday it just sucks the life out of me but thats also probably because I'm dumb and never go to bed at a reasonable time :/ But whatever I want to star doing better in in school. I use to have good grade and such but then I started to be more and more addicted to the internet which caused me to just be on the computer all night from when I got home from school which caused me to not do my homework. Which I hate I understand the teacher give out homework to help us learn but I don't understand why they have to give us so much. Ugh I'm going to die next year in High School. Speaking of High School most of the kids I talk to about high school are really dreading it but I don't know why I am actually kind of excited for high school but I think that mainly because I'm tired of middle school and that I want to meant new people like me. In my middle most student are not emo/scene (I hate saying emo/scene but thats the only way I can describe it) most are want-to-be-gangster west side trash (in my opinion) and I think in high school there will be more kids that are like me I guess. I'm not really sure what the point of this blog is I guess I'm just bored :P So yea I am going to end it here before my blog gets supper boring ^_^ bye

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