Friday, December 25, 2009


Hello internet, today is December 25, 2009 and it's Christmas ! I hope you all are having a very Merry Christmas and if I don't post a new entry by then Have a happy New Year too. So for Christmas I got a sewing machine !!!! ... actually I got my old sewing machine fixed !!! (prepare yourself this post is full of photos) Now that I have a running machine i can make so much more stuff. Which reminds me I wanted to talk about hime and lolita fashion in this post. So most of the time I wear an emo/secne look but I also really really like hime and lolita clothing so I think I'm going to start dressing that way too :D but most of that stff is not cheap so I plan on sewing my own stuff ^-^ . Anyways I also got some makeup for Christmas, and a rawr shirt which I love very much !! Hehehe today was fun, but my room is a complete mess I need too clean it!!!! oh well :D I hope your having a great Christmas/break and if you could , would you please check out my youtube just click here
anyways thats all for now so
Bye :D

Sunday, December 13, 2009


So I meet this cupcake....

Hello. I missed you blog.. Anyways... lets celebrate I have started to Vlog again thanks to the purchase of a new camera. Since I started to film again I started to make more videos and I decided to steal my friend Mika's idea and make 12 vlogs of Christmas hopefully I don't miss a day.. but I need to edit the first video hopefully I have time to do so. I'm not sure though because I have my second music concert tomorrow, little quick fact about me I am in orchestra (3rd year violinist) and I am in choir. but anyways .. this weekend my friend Natalie came over and we did silly things and made some videos (her picture is to the side ) om Friday i start to go om winter break which is totally awesome!! Soon is Christmas and I think that my parents are getting my old sewing machine fixed! which is awesome because I hate having to hand sew every thing . I hope you all had a great week and have very fantastic week.. I think thats all I really had to say oh and by the way I going to link my YouTube at the bottom and stuff ok well bye =^-^=

Stalk me !!

YouTube :






Monday, November 30, 2009


Hello, Happy Monday I hope you had a good thanks giving I did but i also got a cold... thats why I'm typing this because I missed school today...
So I feel like I neglected my blog because I was trying to have a weekly blog one every Friday but that was a fail... but I'm still going to try to write one a week I just can't promise they will be one Friday but whatever
So over the break a lot happen .... well not really but I want to pretend that my life outside of the internet is exciting.... well my dad did buy a new camera for everyone to use!!!!!! now I can make Vlogs about my uninteresting life .... I also got a coat from Old Navy on Thanksgiving .... I made a video for a contest with my friend Mary ..So now that Thanksgiving has passed I can be excited about Christmas.. soon it's going to snow hopefully .... hmm something else i wanted to mention was that I saw New Moon it was awesome .... I think thats about all till next week bye :D

Friday, November 13, 2009

fangirls and the friday blog

So I'm back,
Did you miss me ???
Oh well anyways welcome to the blog of the week!
Prepare yourself I'm about to tell you stuff thats of no importance to you what so ever!!!!!
So this blog is dedicate to fangirls and why the ones at my school really annoy me, now don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with being a fangirl I'm a proud fangirl myself but, see I'm what I would like to call a "hardcore" fangirl and the fangirls from my school are not at my "level" thats the best way I can explain this ... Anyways back to the main topic of this blog. I love Shugo Chara it's my favorite anime (if you haven't heard of it Google it !) I have been watching and reading Shugo Chara for a while (I think the anime was only on episode 20 when I started watching it) So I've been watching this anime for a while and one day I was finally able to buy volume 1 and 2 of Shugo Chara and I was thrilled I have read those books about 20 times. My friend she likes Shugo Chara and believe me she is welled educated about the sires I have spent countless hours telling her about the series because she unfortunately does not have the internet, so I was going to let her borrow my manga by giving it to her in 5th period at school and in the proses of doing this I got several other people obsessed with shugo chara ^-^ but that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the fangirls at my school think they absolutely love ikuto and they don't even say his name right and I can understand them mispronouncing the name wrong at first but I have corrected them many times and it's still the same thing. The other thing I don't like about them is that they think they are the biggest fan ever and they haven't even taken the time to watch and read all the episode and chapters!
heres a conversation I would have with them to better explain

Me: "So did you read the new chapter yet?"
Person: "Um that came out awesome I'm going to read it when I get home!"
Me: "Yea, so whats your favorite chapter mines 14 when amu and ikuto went on a date to the amusement park."
Person:"OMG when did that happen I skip like twenty chapters to catch up to the current stuff I can't believe I missed that!!"
Me: -_-

This happens all the time and then they have pictures of Ikuto on their binder and say they wish they could have more pictures of ehkuto (yes thats how the pronounce ikuto) and that they can't believe --insert name of girl I won't mention here-- has so many pictures and that she the biggest fangirl they know. Yes this one girl is apparently a bigger fan then me because she owns more volumes of it (I don't think that girls has spent countless hour translating Japanese from their website and has done nearly as much research on Shugo Chara as I have just saying)

That has been bugging me all day but the girls that like Shugo Chara I have no real anger with in fact some of them are my friends just I needed to vent about that (Sorry for wasting your time I swear my blog might become Interesting some day!!!). But do you agree or disagree? I would like to know. Oh and please don't interpret this as I'm better than them I like shugo chara more and I'm a bigger fan because it's not I know a lot of people that are bigger fans then me, and the girls don't always act this way sometimes they are amazed when I tell them things I know basically this was a blog about how even fangirls can find fangirls annoying

Lastly i want to talk about Shojo Beat this magazine sounds really really awesome and I didn't even know of it's existence till last week and now I learned they don't even make it anymore that makes me really sad T_T but oh well I guess I have to move on .....Anyway sorry for boring you (if you even really read it) I promise I won't have many other blogs complaining or talking about annoying fangirls (unless you want me to and if you do please comment saying so)
ok well till next Friday
Bye =^-^=

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hello there...

Hello, I'm Marianna welcome to my world :D
So, this is my new Blog thing I made this because I can no longer Vlog due to the reason that some high schooler deiced to steal my bag which just happened to have my camera in it, and people wonder why i don't go outside very often...
Anyways I thought it would be fun to start a blog.
But what is this every so amazing blog suppose to be about?
Well thanks for asking imaginary voice in my head that gives my compliments when I'm insecure about myself....just kidding we just have tea parties every Thursday ....
To answer your question though I'm not to entirely sure at the moment I'm a very big fangirl so I guess this blog will be about the adventures of a fangirl.
The things I will talk about will probably be about are Japan, anime/manga, sewing/crafting, fashion,and other random things that spark my interest. So yea I think thats all I have to talk about at the moment so bye. =^-^=